Haruki Murakami

Bo Mineri

Haruki Murakami

Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami (村上 春樹 Haruki Murakami,born January 12, 1949)

run, run and run

The most popular and influential Japanese writer and translator. His popularity outclassed all the others and his works has been translated into more than fifty languages.

He started writing while at university and once aimed at a scenario writer.
After he graduated from university, he continued to write novels beside running a jazz bar at Tokyo for seven years.
Once after his first novel won the prize in 1979, he has received a number of awards either in Japan or abroad, and everything he says or does attracts people's attention.

His novels are written in a plain text and can be translated easily, but the plots of the stories are sometimes difficult or show us extraordinary aspects. He was much infulenced by American literature, and has translated some pieces of them.

He has led a healthy life for long including daily running, under his principle "To keep on and to concentrate are essential for creation".

Notable works:
  Kafka on the Shore (2002)
  Norwegian Wood (1987)

 Episode of Haruki Murakami

 Next author (Banana Yoshimoto)